The course is intended to deliver theory classes and flight training for the tailwheel undercarriage endorsement per CASA’s Part 61 Manual of Standards (extract of relevant pages).
The training syllabus is available to download here: Ozaeros Tailwheel Aerobatics Spin Syllabus
David’s e-book, Aerobatics in the Super Decathlon is now available at Amazon and a paperback version is now available at Createspace (Amazon) and Skylines. It is recommended for all trainees as it covers the new underpinning knowledge requirements for the tailwheel and aerobatic endorsements. The Part 61 MOS underpinning knowledge requirements for aerobatics is expanded from what was recommended in CAAP 155-1, Aerobatics.
You will need to completeCASA’s Single Engine Piston Aeroplane Endorsement Engineering, Data and Performance Questionnaire (modified) – the sooner that you do that the more you will benefit from it.
Here is an excellent video on tailwheel operations.
And two more, excellent briefings: